Monday, February 11, 2013

The Truth Shall Set You Free

I am asked this morning, "The pope is resigning. What does this mean??!"

Change can be very scary and confusing. When we have been given lies to believe in and we have held onto a faith that crumbles before our eyes, where do we go with that?!

 Our planet has been ruled by lies and deception for a long time. Many great Masters tried to shine light on darkness and the darkness worked hard to distort and mangle the Truth. Many sincere, innocent followers are left with nothing to hold onto - feeling betrayed and confused. Intense emotions now rise to the surface. That is very understandable. And very warranted!

 Let me say: There is nothing to fear. Because, there isn't. We have known for a long time this was coming. We have prepared for this "Shift" and we are more than prepared for what will come next. This IS the Awakening.

Wayshowers, Lightworkers, Visionaries, Spiritualists...

We all were called to serve humanity. We do it from our hearts, connected to our Source/Creator/Divine/Universe... We don't wear flowing golden robes and we don't get "paid" for our continuous, tireless effort to share/give/love/support/enlighten/uplift... We serve your food, haul your tires, fix your computers, build your houses, groom your dogs... The Highest Good for All of Humanity is our only goal. Mocking, ridicule or hostility toward us does not dissuade us. We are here for All. We will continue to be. We don't resign.


  1. amen sister amen, we all are in service to each other if we choose to be. each one brings their particular gift to the table. collectively we can accomplish a lot. whatever is done in love is never done in vain even if it appears to be

  2. Very well said, Norral! :) I like your spirit! <3
