Wednesday, March 6, 2013


     To keep from making the same mistakes again, we sometimes need to look at history. How did we get so far off track? And how can we learn from that? Simply put: we trusted people, (politicians), who told us we could trust them to keep us free, safe and prosperous. We trusted them just because that's what they said. Many of them lied. Now we have more people, coming from a "spiritual" stance, saying the same thing. Specifically, I'm speaking about the OPPT. Just like any good religion, they have infused their, "You can trust us" message with, "You're either with us or against us." One more way to divide the people and ensure they cannot be challenged.

I am not "with them". I am not "against them". I'm not joining a club or supporting a cause unless I am pretty sure it: 1. Represents what I believe in. (They seem to.) 2. It is exactly what it says it is. (Very questionable.)

I have listened to everything they have had to say, since early January 2013, and I've read all of their documentation. What I do like is the idea of freedom. I think most of us want that. And that's a really good hook for people that are desperate for it. And we are. Of course, that is exactly what our politicians have offered us in the past. So, what else does OPPT seem to be offering? They tell us that we are very wealthy and that they have all our wealth kept safe for us, (off planet Earth), but, we're not allowed to have it just yet. Well, our government did tell us our money was "safe", but the rest is new. They say they have filed "legal documentation" that  ensures our freedom. Ok. The last time I heard politicians insinuate that a legal document holds unlimited power, I watched "the people" have to fight to have our Constitutional Rights, (legal documents filed to ensure our freedom), not be taken from us.

Don't get me wrong; I very much WANT the OPPT, or someone, to make the necessary changes that hand our rights and power back to us! My biggest hope is that this happens very soon. Like yesterday! But, I am very concerned when I see honest, loyal, trusting people following one more group that promises the moon, (no pun intended), and delivers nothing.

I would love to be very wrong. I would throw a "Gina Was Wrong Party"! I'd be the first one on the dance floor! :) But, so far, with OPPT, I only see the same markings as many other scams and false religions. When the truth does come to save the world, it will not be cloaked with division, promises or exclusion.

We, also, would do well to remember that we are in a time of hope mixed with desperation and impatience. Logic and reasoning may not be our strongest points, right now. This message is sent with love and hope and the intention of giving license to ALL of us to voice our opinions, concerns, and questions freely. If anything is presented to you and you feel discouraged to question it, then you are not being offered true freedom.

Peace and Blessings to All

Monday, February 18, 2013

I give you magic...

Here is the blog I started writing earlier today:

 "If I were allowed the chance to give anything I want to give, to every soul on the planet, what would I choose? Money, gold, new houses??? No. If I could give you anything, I would give you a magic mirror. This mirror shows you who you really are. You would see who you truly are without the ego, without the fear. You are your own unique you. There is not another one."

This is as far as I got before my computer froze up. It was clear to me I was being guided to not finish or post this. That really confused me because I knew I was divinely inspired. But, knowing my intuition is always right, I left it on my computer screen and abandoned the project.

Then, several hours later, I went into meditation. In very deep trance meditation, I was told the following:

"Trime Light is coming."

It was clear to me that we are being granted, in the very near future, a miracle in evolution. A miracle is the equivalent of a large wrinkle in a carpet. To get from one end of the carpet to the other, a wrinkle produces a "collapse" in time.

Trine Light is a light used to shine light sideways into darkness. Time of learning is propelled forward by leaps and bounds.

Trime Light is a combination of Trine Light and Time. And the awakening begins.

 Let those with ears to hear, understand...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Exposing the bullies...

For way too long, we have been told to "sit down and shut up". Those days are over. It is time to stand up and be counted. Tell your truth. No matter what it is or who disagrees with you. Some people will gravitate to you and some will gravitate away from you. That's perfect. But, the ones who tell you to not speak your truth are the very ones that are fighting to be heard. Their message is: "Sit down and shut up so I can be heard." Never be afraid to have a voice. YOUR voice. You are the only one who has yours and you are free to use it. We have been conditioned to conform and be silenced. Don't look now, but someone has left the gate open. You are free!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Who I Am

I will not provide you with security, only God can do that. I will not expect this from you either. I am not your Salvation, your mother, or your hero. I will not provide you with happiness, although you may tap into your inner joy, when you're around me, but that is your choice and your responsibility to find it inside of you.

I will not make you complete, healthy, and whole. God already created you that way. It is up to you to find these things inside of you independent of me.

I will be your companion, support, and encouragement to expand and grow according to your free will to do that.

I am a free spirit guided by my Creator, therefore I will not follow your schedule, rythmn, or advice unless it happens to coincide with my Inner Knowing.

I will take full responsibility for my happiness, peace of mind, and connection to my Higher Source, so I can be the best person I can on this Earth, at this time.

I come to you open, honest, and sincere. I lay my weapons down, empty hands stretched forth to love you unconditionally.

I will disappoint, frustrate, irritate, and confuse you. I do require time and space independent of "Us". I will care for and cherish the "Us" that we create ,(as we merge our energies and spirits). I will not sacrifice or begrudgingly give, but I will give selflessly and freely, as I am gifted by my Father.

I do acknowledge your time, attention, free will, thoughtfulness, care, and energy as sacred gifts - not expected as my rights.

I give you truth, even when it does not feel good to you and I appreciate your courage in giving me the same.

I will change my mind when variety and contrast teach me what I want, like, need, feel and think. I will seem spontaneous (impulsive, unpredictable) as I follow my inner guidance system (instincts) - no one elses.

I will not pity you, it makes you a victim, but I will uplift, encourage and support you to be the strong, courageous person I know God made you to be.

I will appreciate the miracle you are and I honor and recognize the divinity in you.

I will extend pardon, mercy, kindness, gentleness, grace, and protection as I am able to receive it from my Father.

I am not applying for a position in your "Plan of Life", I can only complement who you are, what you have already, and the expanse of your self awarenesss and level of evolvement.

I promise to do that to the very best of my ability and I also promise to continue to actively and aggressively do my work to refine those abilities.

I love you with All I Am and that is Eternal. Because Eternal Love is All I Am.

Walking Our Talk


It seems that one of the most challenging issues we face is in relating to each other. We have our spiritual practices learned and implemented very nicely. Until... we encounter other humans. Why is that?
Could it be because that is where we have the least amount of control? Yes, there is that forbidden word: control. But, isn't that what we are always trying to do? Aren't we concerned with being "on the ball" with important aspects of our lives, our behavior and our emotions? Don't we even try to control our spirituality? Do we not "try" to stay focused, centered, grounded, etc. Isn't that us attempting to "control" how we practice the things we have learned?
In our own little world, we seem to do pretty well. And then the monkey wrench gets thrown in. It is very difficult to keep control when other people are just not cooperating with our agenda. We want them to either "get with my program" or get out of the way! They usually don't do either of those things. There they are, messing up our Chi, thinking their own thoughts, making their own decisions, acting like... well, acting like their self! How are we supposed to stay focused? Grounded?
When a person, any person, says to you, "Thank you for sharing your perspective.", in answer to your unsolicited advice, how do you feel? When they appear to seriously not care about your opinion of them, do you feel angry? Hurt? Rejected? If they are secure enough in their knowing to appear confident, even smug, does it offend you? Do you want to point out to them their error? Ahhhh.... Is it an error? Do we not fiercely strive to practice not caring what others think of us? In the book, The Four Agreements, Miquel Ruiz teaches us to "...not take anything personally". But, when we actually witness someone practicing just that, our feathers get ruffled. If we cannot recognize and appreciate the wisdom we want to practice, when we encounter it in someone else, then how will we ever be able to do it?

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Truth Shall Set You Free

I am asked this morning, "The pope is resigning. What does this mean??!"

Change can be very scary and confusing. When we have been given lies to believe in and we have held onto a faith that crumbles before our eyes, where do we go with that?!

 Our planet has been ruled by lies and deception for a long time. Many great Masters tried to shine light on darkness and the darkness worked hard to distort and mangle the Truth. Many sincere, innocent followers are left with nothing to hold onto - feeling betrayed and confused. Intense emotions now rise to the surface. That is very understandable. And very warranted!

 Let me say: There is nothing to fear. Because, there isn't. We have known for a long time this was coming. We have prepared for this "Shift" and we are more than prepared for what will come next. This IS the Awakening.

Wayshowers, Lightworkers, Visionaries, Spiritualists...

We all were called to serve humanity. We do it from our hearts, connected to our Source/Creator/Divine/Universe... We don't wear flowing golden robes and we don't get "paid" for our continuous, tireless effort to share/give/love/support/enlighten/uplift... We serve your food, haul your tires, fix your computers, build your houses, groom your dogs... The Highest Good for All of Humanity is our only goal. Mocking, ridicule or hostility toward us does not dissuade us. We are here for All. We will continue to be. We don't resign.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

In Addition to A Note From a Friend

This is in addition to the wonderful note written by Johnna.

This whole experience working with Gina has opened my mind and heart in ways I never knew existed. The Shift has occured and the information we have read about ascension is here. Unconditional love for ourselves and each other is one of the main essences of this experience.
That being said, Gina Paschall already lives in higher dimensions. She truly only sees our higher selves. This doesn't have anything to do with our "egoic" identities. She sees our spirits, our souls, our Divine Essence.

Watch " A Lesson for Gina" or " Don't Kill the Ego" and we will have a clear understanding of who she is. She is here to give us tools that will make our lives a richer, fuller experience. In other words she is here to shine God's light on each of us in order to bring out our true selves.

Her love is equal for all beings on this planet. It doesn't matter if it is an animal, her biological son or the other kids she took in, or every other human on this planet. The love is equally shared. Every being is given the same love exactly as Source intended it. Until now,we haven't had a frame of reference to understand Unconditional Love.

Kathy Bolte