Wednesday, March 6, 2013


     To keep from making the same mistakes again, we sometimes need to look at history. How did we get so far off track? And how can we learn from that? Simply put: we trusted people, (politicians), who told us we could trust them to keep us free, safe and prosperous. We trusted them just because that's what they said. Many of them lied. Now we have more people, coming from a "spiritual" stance, saying the same thing. Specifically, I'm speaking about the OPPT. Just like any good religion, they have infused their, "You can trust us" message with, "You're either with us or against us." One more way to divide the people and ensure they cannot be challenged.

I am not "with them". I am not "against them". I'm not joining a club or supporting a cause unless I am pretty sure it: 1. Represents what I believe in. (They seem to.) 2. It is exactly what it says it is. (Very questionable.)

I have listened to everything they have had to say, since early January 2013, and I've read all of their documentation. What I do like is the idea of freedom. I think most of us want that. And that's a really good hook for people that are desperate for it. And we are. Of course, that is exactly what our politicians have offered us in the past. So, what else does OPPT seem to be offering? They tell us that we are very wealthy and that they have all our wealth kept safe for us, (off planet Earth), but, we're not allowed to have it just yet. Well, our government did tell us our money was "safe", but the rest is new. They say they have filed "legal documentation" that  ensures our freedom. Ok. The last time I heard politicians insinuate that a legal document holds unlimited power, I watched "the people" have to fight to have our Constitutional Rights, (legal documents filed to ensure our freedom), not be taken from us.

Don't get me wrong; I very much WANT the OPPT, or someone, to make the necessary changes that hand our rights and power back to us! My biggest hope is that this happens very soon. Like yesterday! But, I am very concerned when I see honest, loyal, trusting people following one more group that promises the moon, (no pun intended), and delivers nothing.

I would love to be very wrong. I would throw a "Gina Was Wrong Party"! I'd be the first one on the dance floor! :) But, so far, with OPPT, I only see the same markings as many other scams and false religions. When the truth does come to save the world, it will not be cloaked with division, promises or exclusion.

We, also, would do well to remember that we are in a time of hope mixed with desperation and impatience. Logic and reasoning may not be our strongest points, right now. This message is sent with love and hope and the intention of giving license to ALL of us to voice our opinions, concerns, and questions freely. If anything is presented to you and you feel discouraged to question it, then you are not being offered true freedom.

Peace and Blessings to All